Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Gratitude in the morning and at night

Today somebody sent me an email about gratitude and asked if I had been grateful today?

What a relief to realize that I had been grateful several times over the day, starting with my drive to work, which I thoroughly enjoy. At 6 am when the roadways are quiet and I see the sun coming up in the east, I am grateful that I am alive. Today I looked at it's pinkish, yellowish colour, and I was grateful for the morning. I was grateful for the wonderful boss I have been blessed to work with and the safe roads I drive on. I was thinking how grateful I am that I have not had nicotine cravings in two days, and that is truly a blessing!

I thought about my two children, and how lucky I am that I have them, that they are healthy and happy. Simple things such as my car that works ( it might make some weird noises) but it gets me to where I have to go, being able to breathe, to eat, to walk, are things that we need to be grateful for. I try to remind myself of these things on the way to work daily.

i have found that the more grateful I am, the more I am blessed with. I am not sure if it is more that flows my way, because of energy and the Universal Laws of Attraction, or just the simple fact that I am more focused on good things happening and so the negative things seem to be minimized. Whatever it is I am grateful that I have been able to train my mind relatively well, to be thankful for what I have, to look forward to good things coming my way, and to meet each morning with a smile.

Sure I complain, but when I catch myself I try to override it with a positive. When I complain I find it drains me of good energy, so I try to correct it if I can, or make a joke of it. I am sure that I could never complete a gratitude book, it would just go on and on and on. I believe that alot of our success depends on whether we see the glass half empty or the glass half full, and am I ever lucky I see it as half full.

Off I go to bed to count my many blessings and hope that you will all take a moment to remember at least a few things to be thankful for at the end of the day.

1 comment:

Vivienne said...

I LOVE this post. Very well said! It is wonderful that after your difficult times you still focus on the positive and pause to be grateful. Others may have become so angry or discouraged that they cannot rejoice again. Strong spirit you must have. Good luck, Vienne