Saturday, March 8, 2008

So Many Options ~~ So much to do

Well I am back from San Pedro Belize, and must say, I am looking forward to returning. I have found a place that warms my heart and the options are endless. When I was there, I felt more alive than I have in years. San Pedro is my natural clock. I wake with the sunrise, and sleep around midnight. My aching bones went away, my nails grew, and my breathing improved.

I plan on buying a piece of land there this year, and hopefully my best friend, Erin will build with me on it. My little piece of paradise far, far away. A small 14 seater plane will fly me to my destination. Amidst the beauty of the sea and the warm air, there is a small part of San Pedro that could use some help.

I saw that there was ample humanitarian work that could be started there. After talking with the school officials, it became clear, that I could get some pilot projects started on this tiny island. Some of the things I was told were desperately needed are:

Sponsor a grade 8 student to go to high school for 1000.00 US per year, there are 35 students who need to go to high school next year, and for half the yearly salary of a US or Canadian teacher 35 deserving kids can have that.

There needs to be sewage in San Mateo and electricity. The smell of San Mateo will stay with me for a long time. There is nothing so disappointing as the SMELL of poverty.

A safe house for women and children needs to be built. I spoke with a female police officer that informed me she would be interested in working on a domestic abuse program.

A donation needs to come from a shipping company to deliver the playground that is waiting to be shipped from Texas to the school so that the children can play in a nice safe playground, and not be surrounded by broken glass and bottles.

I am planning on trying to connect with some church groups, social groups and organizations to see if we can get donations of money, time, and service. After all we are all one. I am looking forward to a day when I will be able to give my time to those that could use the help.

The options are endless where to help and I just can't wait to get started. I also will enjoy after a hard day of work, going to the beach and watching the sunset. Ya! That warms my heart!

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