Monday, November 10, 2008

Time to go to Cuba!

I booked a trip to Cuba with my children last week. We are leaving on November 30, 2008. I have never been to Cuba and I am looking forward to learning all about a new country and seeing another part of the world.

We are staying in Varadero, which of course,will be relaxing, but I am also taking the kids to Havana. WE are looking forward to a week to ourselves, to do some bonding that gets left behind in all the hustle and bustle of our everyday world.

I am looking forward to swimming in the Caribbean Ocean with them, riding on horses, and taking a bus trip to Havana. Those are on my list of things to do. Also going down the water slide a few times in our hotel and taking a double decker to the town of Varadero. My youngest daughter asked if she could sit on the top level. Of course we can!

I will make sure that this trip gives me experience to finally using a digital camera :) I am also accepting donations of clothing to take down there. That is quickly becoming my favourite part of travel, giving things away to those that need them.

I hope my children will have the opportunity to meet some children and give away some personal belongings, and find out what is really important. Until then

A big hello to the readers in Canada, United States, Belize, Fiji, India
Netherlands, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, United Kingdom, Australia, Sweden, Bulgaria, Switzerland and the Czech Republic

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