Friday, November 14, 2008

Reflexology and a new skill

Not sure if anyone remembers, but I made it a personal goal that I would start to learn to use a digital camera and blog more. I am still stuck in the days of pen to paper, and Polaroid pictures.

Well, today I started that journey. This week I received 3 hours of Reflexology, which I am finding amazing. Angelica is a relexologist, and also does cupping and massage. She learned in the Philippines, but has also worked in France, Africa , Canada and on cruise ships for 7 years. She did hot stones on my lungs, and was very accurate at knowing where my pain was, what I needed to do to get better. When I entered the clinic I could barely breathe, and after two hours with her, I felt my sinuses clear, my breathing less difficult, and much more relaxed. I can honestly say I felt like a new person.

So I decided to take my boyfriend with me, and see how he likes reflexology. Plus, I needed him to help me figure out a camera. He did both of course. I am not sure if he is as taken by Reflexology, but it certainly has many healing qualities.

I have added some of the pictures, and will continue to add more, hopefully improving my photography skills as time passes.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Volunteering and Travel Itch

Seems every fall I get the itch to travel, and the itch to be out doing mission work somewhere. I watched the movie Darfur Now, and Emmanuels Story, and keep thinking to myself I should be doing something like that. That is where my heart is.

I did get some wonderful news from my Boss yesterday. He said that he has looked at my leave of absence for next year (3 months in San Pedro volunteering at Holy Cross School) and he said it looks positive. He stated that he would like to help me, and that he will have a definite answer by next week. So Please do send positive thoughts on this.

I ordered a few books from the library today:

Three Cups of Tea

Vagabonding An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel

How to Live Your Dream of Volunteering Overseas

I feel like I am getting ready for take off - no pun intended. I went yesterday and bought a whole bunch of stuff to bring to children in Cuba. I am also collecting clothes for the women and men.

I will rest for the most part today. I have been very sick, and am trying to get myself better as naturally as possible. I am taking a lot of Chinese herbs, greens, honey, lemon, and ginger.

It seems to be working. Bye for now! Off to read

Monday, November 10, 2008

Time to go to Cuba!

I booked a trip to Cuba with my children last week. We are leaving on November 30, 2008. I have never been to Cuba and I am looking forward to learning all about a new country and seeing another part of the world.

We are staying in Varadero, which of course,will be relaxing, but I am also taking the kids to Havana. WE are looking forward to a week to ourselves, to do some bonding that gets left behind in all the hustle and bustle of our everyday world.

I am looking forward to swimming in the Caribbean Ocean with them, riding on horses, and taking a bus trip to Havana. Those are on my list of things to do. Also going down the water slide a few times in our hotel and taking a double decker to the town of Varadero. My youngest daughter asked if she could sit on the top level. Of course we can!

I will make sure that this trip gives me experience to finally using a digital camera :) I am also accepting donations of clothing to take down there. That is quickly becoming my favourite part of travel, giving things away to those that need them.

I hope my children will have the opportunity to meet some children and give away some personal belongings, and find out what is really important. Until then

A big hello to the readers in Canada, United States, Belize, Fiji, India
Netherlands, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, United Kingdom, Australia, Sweden, Bulgaria, Switzerland and the Czech Republic

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

History is made

Even although I am Canadian, I can not help celebrating the victory of Barack Obama, who was elected the 44th President of the United States. It is a wonderful night to see a black man, become the President of one of the most powerful countries in the world. I am moved by the hope that he has instilled in the younger generation and united a country, and brought together people of all religions, races and ages. Perhaps there is a ligh at the end of this tunnel and that he can influence others to be more accepting of others.

It does appear that this is truly a change that was needed. I am hoping that he will lead the Super Power US and set an example for the rest of the world.

I believe that this man is now in a place to bring about global change for civil rights and human rights, and that is what is needed to help this world move forward in a positive light.

Congrats.......... We are counting on you President Obama, to bring not only American change but global change.