Monday, January 14, 2008

You Will Not Mess With MY Peace of MInd

I have worked very hard to achieve this peace of mind. I will defend my peace of mind, and you can not shake me from it's foundation. I have left places that haunted me, I have left behind people that drained me, I have learned to live within myself and attain my serenity there. I have forgiven people that I needed to in order to attain my peace of mind. I look in the mirror and I like who I am today. I will not let anyone mess with my peace of mind. If you are my friend, be my friend. If you show signs of jealousy, of bitterness, if you lie to me or are deceitful, you are not my friend. I don't hold that against you. You have your reasons for doing whatever you do. And I have mine and I wont let you mess with my peace of mind. Peace of Mind is hard to come by these days. It takes a lot of work to empty our thoughts, to release all the voices and the to do lists. You have to look at your faults, measure things up very carefully. You have to learn to love who you are, not who you would like to be, and you need to find your peaceful sanctuary. It can be a car, your home, simply your bathroom, but it is your place of peace. A place to calm the mind. You can also find it simply by closing your eyes, regardless of where you are. I have made a decision to chose and attract positive people into my space. My space, being my life. Life is too short to be with energy vampires that clutter your thoughts and distract you from your essence. I am very happy that I have learned how to protect myself and my peace of mind.

~Meditate regularly, think only positively, aspire to find the consciousness beyond the mind, and peace of mind will be yours.~

~Do you need or enjoy fear, worries and restlessness? If you don't, then why do you keep inviting them into your mind?~

~As the house is cleaned, so the mind can be cleaned. As you enjoy a clean house, you will enjoy a clean and uncluttered mind.When you unclutter your mind, you enjoy peace of mind~.

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