I am so excited! We are booked to head to Belize, that is my best friend Erin and I. We booked our tickets and I am looking forward to joining our other friends in Belize. I am also looking forward to visiting the Holy Cross Anglican School. I want to go down to the school and volunteer for a day and see how things are working in a school in a third world country. It will be good exposure for the life I am planning on living.
University is moving along great. I just can't believe how much there is to learn. I have been learning about the poverty in Jamaica and the Kingston Free Zone.
University is moving along great. I just can't believe how much there is to learn. I have been learning about the poverty in Jamaica and the Kingston Free Zone.
I am just appalled to really learn how much wealth is in so few countries, and how the rest of the world survives or struggles might be a better word. I thought about that tonight when I was buying my bananas. I recently saw a clip in the movie "Life and Debt," how Dole, Chiquita and Del Monte have slave labourers working on Banana Plantations. It was disgusting to see the workers being beat and forced back to work at gun point when they tried to form a union. All because bananas is a big money business. The more I hear about slavery in the year 2008, the more grateful I am to be privledged to live in a country like Canada. The next time you reach for those bananas when you are in your local grocery store, take time to give thanks, for the people in South America that are getting paid 1.00 per day and living in squalor, to ensure that we can send a snack in our kids lunches.